Is An International Education Not Better Than The Rot At Home?

In an article titled Letter from Africa: How Nigeria’s elite avoid ‘bad education’ published by on the 17th of December, 2018, a journalist stated really sad facts that envelope the typical Nigerian public universities. The reason for the question – Is an International Education not better than the rot at home?
Two of the paragraphs which stood out in that sad epistle can be seen below –
Universities remain poorly funded and the lecturers’ union – known by its acronym ASUU – is more militant than ever, routinely threatening to close down universities in its battles with the government.
It is today widely regarded as the most strike-prone of Nigeria’s labor unions. It says the government rarely delivers on its promises.
While this was sad enough, the worst is yet to be heard as the journalist created a phrase which explains it all – ‘Climate of Decay’. He even went further to state that it was in this climate of decay that private universities have been flourishing in Nigeria.
While this might be the case, some parents think that the International education of their wards can be more economical, especially if their children take part-time jobs to offset the cost as opposed to affording a private education at home.
Should we tell you the truth, the parents who think this way are very correct! If you wish to study for a course in an International University, a 3yr course will take exactly that duration with no strikes or unsolicited breaks in-between.
Did you also know that your fees can always be paid in installments as opposed to lump sum payments which can ease the financial burden often thought that accompanies schooling abroad?
At the end of this short adventure (as your school year runs out pretty fast), you will have been ahead of your peers in Nigeria who are yet to become employable if at all they have graduated without the incessant strikes. Oh, I meant to say the Climate of Decay System – LOL!
There are so much more points that can be listed here as disadvantages of studying at home as opposed to studying abroad but let us leave it here for now. Never forget, the myth that you need to break a bank to take your studies out of the country is FALSE!
If you speak to a verified Study Abroad / Educational Consultant, they will guide you properly on a school selection which would be a fit according to your budget, academic qualification, work experience and a few other factors.
TGM Education is a leading educational consulting firm which will provide you free counseling services and also process your applications without charging you for the service. For more information, feel free to contact us on 0908 077 5662 via calls or whatsapp.
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