Cranfield University

Cranfield University

Meet With Cranfield University At The TGM Education Roadshow This March 2021

Speak About Your Study Abroad Options, Available Scholarship Opportunities and Much More For FREE With The School’s Representative At The Event.

About Cranfield University

Cranfield is one of the most influential universities in the world. By joining Cranfield University’s global reputation you will be taking your first steps to building strong relationships with some of the world’s most prestigious companies in industry. Cranfield University can open doors for you.

Why Choose Cranfield?

  • You get the opportunity to earn a highly respected degree needed to advance your career.
  • We are ranked in the top four UK universities for commercial research, consultancy and professional development
  • Over 170 accredited courses.
  • In The Economist Which MBA? Masters in Management (MiM) 2019 ranking, the Cranfield School of Management’s Management MSc was ranked 3rd in the UK and 30th in the world. It was also ranked 1st in the UK and 9th in the world for percentage of job-seeking graduates with a job offer 3 months after graduation
  • Reasonable tuition fee in the UK, tuition discount for first-year students.
  • 97% of our graduates are in relevant employment or further study six months after graduation, securing jobs in some of the world’s best-known organisations including BP, Oxfam, Unilever, Airbus, Williams F1, Water Aid, Deloitte, RollsRoyce, PwC and Singapore Airlines.

Reserve Your Seat For FREE here To Meet With Cranfield University

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