Drama and Film Cultures BA(Hons) single honours – Kingston University

Sep, 2019
Drama and Film Cultures is an integrated course covers the histories, practices and contexts of theatre, performance and film, and explores theoretical approaches to both in an interdisciplinary context.
It explores theatre, performance and film as part of a dynamic matrix of cultural influences in relation to politics, the visual arts, popular and avant-garde cultural practices. You’ll consider the ways in which all three can both shape and be shaped by their surrounding artistic and political contexts, and engage with a range of theoretical ideas about representation and spectatorship, identity and difference, art and ideology, and the body in representation.
The degree fosters creativity and problem-solving skills, and integrates professional practice into its modules through a variety of forms of assessment. It trains you in practical, writing and critical skills that are highly desirable to employers, and supports you throughout to gain confidence as independent learners.
You will be encouraged to develop a range of skills to articulate your ideas through performance and in written, oral and visual form across a variety of formats, allowing you to develop yourself for a career in the creative industries.