Creative Writing and Film Cultures BA(Hons) single honours – Kingston University

Sep, 2019
It is one of the truisms of cinema that no good film was ever made without a good script. The ranks of film greats are studded with writer-directors who understand the primacy of the story in achieving their artistic vision. For their part, even page- oriented writers are having to grapple with the creative and commercial ramifications of an age that is ever more visually and digitally minded.
This combined Creative Writing and Film Cultures course provides you with varied creative opportunities alongside a rigorous practical exploration of approaches to story-telling on both page and screen.
It offers an integrated course of study covering the histories and global contexts of the moving image, and theoretical, critical and practical approaches to creative writing in an interdisciplinary context.
Whether text based or more physical and visual, all narrative art is ‘authored’ in one way or another, and the course allows students to consider and practice this authorship in its widest sense.
Throughout the programme, our teaching team of award-winning novelists, short story writers, directors and film scholars explore creative writing and film as part of a dynamic matrix of cultural influences with connections to politics, visual arts, popular and avant-garde cultural practices, as well as aiding students in the making of their own work.